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Improve your asset productivity and reliability, so as to maximise OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness) 

Process Industry


Capital Intensive Process Industries are facing many challenges in today’s market, the need to constantly reduce the cost of production and maximise return on assets, whilst at the same time achieve ever increasing safety and environmental standards. 

In response to these challenges companies have undertaken many initiatives to eliminate unplanned breakdowns and increase throughput, whilst some have delivered significant benefits, many companies are still struggling to address asset optimization issues and the constant challenge between Operations to keep the asset running and maintenance requesting downtime for Preventative Maintenance tasks still causes major friction in many organisation.


We believe that to achieve true optimisation requires an approach that breaks down the silos, changing the culture to empower the workforce and finding new solutions to existing problems using data and technology. A key component is the use of OEE as an overall measure rather than individual departmental measures so eliminate the departmental silos as everyone is focused on the one key improvement measure and when used correctly can identify “hidden losses” such as minor stops or reduced speed losses. Secondly, while Technology and the IoT can improve “visibility” on the condition of the plant, often we find that real benefits are not realised until we truly change the ways we operate and maintain the plant.

The use of advance analytics can help identify the optimum settings for operations or the remaining life of key components for maintenance, it is only when we evolve of business processes and engage the employees to new actions and behaviours that the real benefits are realised.

The application of Lean Management tools and systems such as Agile where employees are able to more easily “see” the problems and then “swarm” to resolve them further eliminates the silos and empowers our employees to greater levels of productivity and performance. Finally a structured approach to achieving improved levels of Asset Reliability through determining the optimum maintenance tactics, the work management processes for execution and supported by enhanced asset health monitoring and data analytics for improved predictive maintenance decisions.


"...while technology and IoT can improve

visibility on the condition of a plantoften we find

that real benefits are not realized until we truly change the ways we operate

and maintain the plant..."


Process plants have long had huge volumes of data related to the operation of the plant but was used only in the plant operation domain, similarly in the past a lot of the maintenance data was either manually recorded or captured in systems that were not integrated.


With the advances enabled by IoT the challenge is to find ways to interpret this data into meaningful information that they can use to make accurate and effective decisions, both the strategic and day-to-day decision makings. This is where embracing new digital technologies would open enormous opportunities for safety, productivity, and cost efficiency improvement leap. 

How Relogica can help you ?

Operations Management Excellence enables our clients to reduce costs, increase capacity and efficiencies, improve operating margins, and enhance cash flow; using LEAN and TPM methodology, to eliminate waste in their processes by engaging all employees toward a culture of excellence. 


Operational Improvement 

Improving maintenance & reliability functions effectively requires organisations to understand the concept of Maintenance excellence and the holistic concept of Asset Management.

Close up Industrial view at oil refinery

Maintenance & Reliability 

Delivering successful real change and business benefits and that without one of the elements the program is in danger of failing to deliver the full business benefits with 3 core elements ; technology solution, people and management system.


Digitalization Improvement

Interested in know more about our services ?

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Our Experiences

The very large fertilizer manufacturer Client wished to undertake an overall Asset Performance Management improvement program. Engaged by the client as the consulting partner for the overall Asset Performance Management implementation, through implementing the APM software for monitoring asset performance . . .

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Hand-held Inspection Device for Asset Performance Management

Our client was a large industrial gas company and they were looking to build the competencies of their internal audit team. Our approach offers value from audit process not only by knowledge transfer but also assisting client’s team put knowledge into practice through a customized mentoring process, thus delivering “real” value from audit process ...

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Building ISO Internal Audit Team


Dryer Operations is facing challenges where parameter set for burner not yet in the best performance. Dryer is also facing new problem caused by build up inside burner chamber. This project is expected to reduce build up formation in the burner chamber  and get the best burner operations . . .



Reducing Dryer Production Loss in Nickel Processing Plant 

Sulfur emission is a long time challenge for Indonesia largest nickel mining and processing, and it's occurred from unwell mixed between sulfide material and calcine with compounded by gas suction system didn't work properly. Reducing of 49% emissions achieved through . . .



Sulphur Emission Improvement 

Integrating Cross Functional Improvement and Workplace Improvement in Continuous Improvement Program will create a strong foundation for the company resulting in a work culture that is more positive, more productive and creates safer environment . . .



Maintaining Sustainability through Small Improvement


In our maintenance pyramid of excellence framework, Information management completes the control elements. This element is about how well we manage the information we produced and collected in the process of managing our maintenance, and also ...

Image by Stephen Dawson

View Points

Maintenance Information Management

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The Case Against Streamline RCM

As the result of growing popularity of Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM), many variants emerge to claim the title as the best RCM approach. In this paper published in 2000, John Moubray tries to clarify what RCM is, and ...


Our Clients

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Living RCM Case Study

This paper describes a successful pilot by our business partner OMDEC in applying their newly release Living RCM module. In this Pilot Project, a Municipal Electricity Utility teamed up with OMDEC to explore the value ...

Like to discuss your Process Industry issues with our team ?

Please contact us for more information

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