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The Three Key Elements for Success Digital Transformation
The evolution of new technologies and analytics is fundamentally changing how companies conduct their business, we help our clients to adoption these technologies to deliver real business benefits.
We do this be not just understanding the technologies, but also ensuring this enables real changes in the client Management Systems and the building of new capabilities only then can companies harness the real business benefits.
The first decision a company must take is what are we trying to address, or what is the problem we are trying to solve through digital? Are we seeking to radically transform our business through defining new business models and disrupting the Industry or are we seeking to identify focused "point solutions" to address specific productivity issues? Having clarity on the scope of what we are trying to achieve sets the boundaries and the scale of the transformation we are seeking to achieve.
A second point and a key foundation of the digital transformation is a significant "mindset change" how we think about technology and "systems".
In the past major technology projects have usually been associated with large scale ERP implementations such as SAP or Oracle, these were seen as multi-year projects and incorporating a "corporate wide" global best practice, often overlooking or in worst cases overriding local good practices or even local requirements.
In a digital environment we are seeking to create a "start-up" mentality where employees are encouraged to identify potential improvements that can be realised through applying digital technologies.
Using a structured method they are encouraged to experiment to identify customer (both internal and external) pain points and how could digital technologies be applied to eliminate and thus delivering vastly improvement customer experiences, cost reductions and productivity gains.
It is this mindset change from pre-packaged, built-in good practice systems, to an and customer experiences, cost reductions improvement using a structured method they are encouraged to experiment to identify customer (both internal and external) pain points and how could digital technologies be applied to eliminate and thus delivering vastly entrepenurial experimentation, a start-up mentality that drives innovation and new ideas.
The key foundation of the digital transformation is a significant "mindset change" how we think about technology and "systems"
Unless companies are prepared to accept this mindset change only then will they potentially reap the full benefits of digital transformation.
" The 3 main elements to delivering real-business benefit through digitalization are Technology, People & Management System"