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Continuous Improvement

Reliability Management

Once your organization has gained control of your core maintenance functions, you would then need to ensure you are managing your reliability function properly. In some organizations, this is done by the same maintenance organization. However, in many large organizations with complex asset system, the function to manage its asset performance to ensure reliability optimization of its reliability is commonly tasked to a separate reliability function.

Often, in many organizations, this responsibility is interpreted simplistically into reliability engineering activities. Nothing could be further from the truth, the activity to manage asset reliability is more than just reliability engineering.


An effective reliability management function typically involves the following basic functionalities :


Continuous Refinement of the Asset Maintenance Strategy

It is well understood that to produce reliable asset operation, an organisation must be able to successfully control the failures related to its asset system. However, often time, many organisations focus their improvement efforts into failure elimination programs. Which can sometimes take too long to complete and expensice. Many organisations fail to realize that failure elimination should not be the first default to control failures in their asset maintenance strategy.

Effective control of asset failure can be achieved through systematic and continuous improvement of your routine maintenance program as part of your overall asset management plan. This systematic improvement involves equipping your organisation with the required infrastructure to track and manage  your plant’s credible failure modes  and developing the capability to properly analyse and produce effective tasks based that is based on sound logic.



Proactive Maintenance Process Management

Asset maintenance strategies consists of several different types of maintenance policies such as: preventive maintenance, functional checks, run to failure and predictive maintenance. Of these, predictive maintenance policies are known as the most cost-effective maintenance policies, hence the most preferable. All of these are common knowledge and organisations are jumping into the bandwagon to adopt (or at least pretend) to implement the latest technology in predictive tools in the heaps only to find their system reliability continues to deteriorates. 

These organisations, fail to realize that effective predictive maintenance implementation requires effective implementation of proactive maintenance process. The proactive maintenance process involves setting up an effective potential failure data reading collection, abnormal indicators management, and follow up. The success of a predictive maintenance policy / CBM program is determine only by how successful an organisation implement the proactive maintenance process.



Asset Performance Monitoring

There are three layers of monitoring which an organization serious about reliability should be monitoring, these are:


  • Monitoring and understanding of the system losses which is the result of the organisation’s maintenance and reliability practice implementation

  • Monitoring the performance / reliability or availability (depending on its function) of individual equipment / especially the critical equipment. This includes bad actors identification.

  • Monitoring and understanding the failure risks or health of the equipment / especially the critical equipment to proactively manage asset performance into the future.



Reliability Issues Management

Once the losses and risks of the equipment and / or asset system is known, then reliability functions should identify the core issues, and then develop the right failure management strategies to control the failure.

As the number of failures can often be overwhelmingly a lot, then an effective system to manage these issues should be implemented. Robust Root cause analysis method should also be employed to ensure effective analysis of failure root cause by the right people. 



Reliability Engineering

This is the element whereby the reliability function systematically collects valid meaningful data and process those data into information and information model to help the organisation in making better decision in the future. This include for examples: finding the most cost effective interval for component replacement. 

Estimating remaining useful life of an equipment, calculating Life Cycle Costing to determine if it is better to continue with maintenance program or asset replacement for a specific asset. Nowadays, this element is more and more assisted with the advancement of Artificial Intelligent and machine learning. Adapting this into the reliability function for Predictive analytics modelling.

Our services to support your Reliability Improvement Journey includes:


  • Setting up the complete Reliability Function including defining the organizational setup, roles, and ways of workings.

  • Developing your organization’s capability for the continuous refinement of asset management strategy.


  • Implementation of Proactive Maintenance Process Management  ; Including implementation of Asset Health Monitoring Management.


  1. Setting up a fit for purpose key performance indicators and setting up the performance management report and practice.

  2. Setting up the Reliability Issues Management practice including Root Cause Analysis training and implementaton.

  • Setting up systematic data collection process for valid and meaningful failure and reliability data.

  • Basic Reliability Engineering Analysis Course.


Contact us for more information about

Reliability Management

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