Maintenance Management Excellence Workshop
Establishing the vision and blueprint for the future
Establishing the Vision (Step B in the Asset Management strategy development framework) and Developing the Blueprint for the future (Step C in the Asset Management strategy development framework). The objectives in this step are to establish a future vision of the Asset Management System for the organisation and then develop the improvement programs (short term and long term programs) and the implementation plan together with the organisation's staff.
Following the understanding of the organisation’s current performance, we would then conduct a maintenance strategy workshop, this is a crucial activity in the development of the maintenance strategy.
The workshop is divided into two major sessions, namely; Formal training on the elements of the maintenance effectiveness and an intensive workshop mode defining the vision, gaps, and improvement programs needed.

This workshop is one of the key elements of Asset management strategy, as it ensures a common understanding of what needs to be improved and why, as well as a sense of ownership and how this improvement will be addressed.