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Continuous Improvement Program Implementation

A program that delivers sustainable business benefits, realizing direct production increase and cost savings, by empowering your teams to address any losses in their day-to-day operations.

We have a successful track record of implementing real change through Business Continuous Improvement (CI) program which delivered very significant business benefits in term of production increase and cost savings. The business benefits are all realized by the client's own people working in team, solving problems systematically with our guidance through this CI program.


Our program is proven to be sustained over the longer term. Long after the consulting team has disbanded, our clients have the necessary process and mechanism in place to sustain and continue the CI programs so as to become the “normal way” of doing their work.

What differentiates Relogica is that we are able to do all of the program in the ‘language’ that ensures effective communication and understanding by all parties. Our strong track record of delivering Improvement programs in the Indonesia environment will greatly assist your company in ensuring long term objectives of building the skills and knowledge of the workforce are achieved. This is where we “excel”, putting ideas into action and the effective knowledge transfer to the client employees. We understand the culture, the working style both present and future, we can help ensure that this future is realized by being able to demonstrate, train and communicate in the most effective manner.


The foundations of our methodology are based on PDCA cycle which we have further developed withThe Centerfor TPM in Australia as our partner. 

Culture Change & Sustainability

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Key strength of our methodology are :



  • Focuses the teams on the overall improvement to the business rather than individual departmental measures such as Availability or Production rates.

  • Limits the improvement activity and scope, thus ensuring the teams maintain their best momentum and avoid frustration caused by a ‘never ending’ project. 

  • Utilizing small teams which consisting of 4 – 8 people per team from different departments and expertise as required.

  • Focuses on creating a learning environment and engagement of all employees.

  • Based on cycles of improvement activity with agreed mandates and boundaries, using PDCA principle to force the improvement team to systematically take a step by step approach which prevents teams from jumping to solutions without proper analyses. The team would learn how to select and when to use the appropriate improvement tools.

  • Simple method, easy to apply even by the lowest level employees.

Why Us ?

  • It includes two presentation sessions to the senior management that effectively ensure senior management engagement with the teams and show the management support and recognition for the team.

  • It ensures the sustainability of the improvement results by ensuring Process Owner involvement from project selection through to implementation. 

  • It secures early bottom line results which helps in securing commitment from senior management and all employees.

  • It clearly defines the roles and relationship between each function in the improvement program.

  • It includes the development of the infrastructure required for sustaining the improvement like developing internal facilitator, improvement reporting, communication strategy, reward and recognition system, knowledge management, audit system, and ‘walk the talk’ program to ensure senior management commitment visibility.

Achievement Programs

By Numbers

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Our Partner

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The Centre for TPM or CTPM has evolved continuously to become a team of Business Improvement Coaches who assist enterprises from a range of

industries to strive for Operational Excellence.


excellence for over 10 years. CTPM has been assisting clients with the TPM journey to Manufacturing  is the sole business partner licensed to Relogica implement and apply the TPM3 method in Indonesia. 

Like to learn more about our services?

Please contact us for more information

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