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Introduction LEAN-TPM Workshop

This course explains the concepts behind TPM3 - LEAN and the way Lean thinking develops culture of continuous improvement with its philosophy, processes, and people aligned to cultivate problem solving for any industry you work for. It also shows you why most companies embarking on performance improvement soon become frustrated with isolated improvement projects that yield great short-term results but have no sustainability. 

This workshop will outline how to:



  • Break down barriers and build relationships between Production & Maintenance and Management & Shopfloor

  • Understand the entire equipment & process losses within the plant, together with whether they relate to technical or people issues

  • Improve equipment performance to allow time for operator development through synergistic Area Based Teams

  • Create a maintenance support capability that can respond to small problems and issues identified by the operators to encourage operators to continue to find problems.

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  • Establish stability of the production plan though flow logic to promote and enable Formal Continuous Improvement

  • Train the operators to identify at the earliest possible time safety, quality and equipment problems at the source 

  • Improve Communications between shifts to promote sharing of learning 

  • Establish agreed standards across all shifts to reduce variation in operation and sustain improvements 

  • Change the equipment so it is easy for operators to find the problems


For further information, you can download brochure  through link below:

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