We help clients in establishing their cost-effective Asset management Plan. Encompassing detailed activities, resources, responsibilities, timescales, and risks identification for the achievement of the asset management objectives.
To ensure sound asset management plan, we use the most robust failure management strategy formulation methodology, Reliability Centered Maintenance(RCM), as the basis for the plan development.
There is no point in doing the job right if it's not the right job
RCM is a process used to determine the most effective asset maintenance strategies
Relogica is the only Indonesian entity licensed to deliver RCM II to maintenance organisations in Indonesia
The world of maintenance is undergoing rapid changes since the 1990s. Pressures are coming from all directions for maintenance managers and engineers to reduce costs, enhance asset performance, increase safety, and protect the environment. These pressures are due to factors such as:
Increasing automation
Increasing complexity of assets
Product quality increasingly dependent upon equipment performance
Community demands for improved safety & environmental standards
New (and often expensive) maintenance techniques (such as condition monitoring) and sophisticated tools
These new developments and pressures have led to changes in the way we maintain equipment, the way we plan and manage maintenance activities, the techniques we use, and the way we manage spares and materials.
More and more maintenance practitioners are turning to leading practice techniques and methodologies to help them manage their assets and their maintenance more effectively. Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) II is one such technique.
RCM Background
RCM was first developed by the civil aviation industry. RCM II is the modern derivation and the most comprehensive RCM methodology available. It has been developed and continuously refined by the late John Moubray and his Aladon Network to meet today’s changing environment. RCM II stands out amongst the numerous variants of RCM in its rigor (Comprehensiveness and Thoroughness). RCM II also fully conforms to the SAE Standard JA1011, “Evaluation Criteria for Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) Process”. For more information on this standard please visit
RCM-II Process
A process used to determine what must be done to ensure that any physical asset continues to do what its users want it to do in its present operating context.
The RCM process determines this through the seven basic steps:
Determine the asset’s functions;
Determine what constitutes failures of those functions;
Identify failure modes that cause those functional failures;
Identify the impacts or effects of the occurrence of those failures;
Identify the consequences with respect to hidden failures, safety, environment and operation
Use the RCM logic to select the appropriate maintenance tactics
Identify default actions where an appropriate proactive tactic cannot be found.
The RCM team documents the resulting maintenance program in a way that it can be audited and refined continually as further operating experience is gained.
Benefits of RCM-II
When applied correctly, the RCM II methodology is also an excellent vehicle to capture the knowledge of the workforce gained over the years of operation, and to transfer these knowledge to a new generation of workforce. As the analyses are conducted in a workgroup mode, these benefits mentioned above are realized immediately at the end of each session. Other benefits of RCM include:
Greater maintenance cost effectiveness
Increased knowledge of asset
Improved operating performance
Longer useful life of capital intensive assets
Comprehensive database of equipment strategies
Improved teamwork
RCM-II in Indonesia
Relogica holds the license for ALADONRCM II methodology in Indonesia and our consultants have extensive experience in implementing this best practice solution in Indonesia’s specific environment
Our RCM-II Services
As RCM is a major paradigm change for the whole organisation, depending on where our clients were at in the Reliability Improvement journey, we tailored our approach to best fit the state of the maintenance organization by incorporating their vision, process, and people into the program. However, typically the program would include all/some elements of the following:
“Introduction to RCM II” 3-day training
RCM II Pilot analyses as proof of concept
Advanced RCM II 10-day Facilitators/leaders Training
Mentoring assistance and quality control for RCM II analyses
Criticality Assessment to help prioritise assets
Development of program structure, roles & responsibilities, and reporting mechanism
Communication Strategy to ensure the commitment and support of the whole organisation.

Our services in the development of asset management plan includes:
Equipment Criticality Assessment and System Criticality Assessment
Contract facilitations for asset maintenance strategy development
Reliability function development program for client’s in house RCM facilitator / analyst development
Maintenance tasks analyses for quick review of non critical asset maintenance strategy
Packaging of maintenance tasks and implementation support for routine maintenance planner